Saturday, 23 August 2014

Looking at concept drawings

Aldo Rossi, The Sketchbooks

Aldo Rossi, The Sketchbooks

Aldo Rossi, The Sketchbooks

The drawings from Aldo Rossi's Sketchbooks show a variety of drawings, of various style and using different materials. Rossi uses mainly an ink pen to draw his concept sketches and then uses a water colour or ink wash, crayons or color pencils to add colour to the drawings. His lines are spontaneous and he uses several lines to empasize the significant aspects and a single line to depict the unimportant masses. He uses several perspectives within the same darwing, making it appear surreal.

Carlo Scarpa, The Other City

Carlo Scarpa, The Other City

Carlo Scarpa, The Other City

Carlo Sacrpa uses pencil drawings to represent his ideas. He incorporates different details, calculations and   plans in the same drawing, occasionally using colour pencil to add colour. 

Neutelings Riedijk

Neutelings Riedijk

Neutelings Riedijk's concept drawings are cartoon-like and are drawn using a pen. They include colour occasionally to empasize important aspects of the design.  

Monday, 4 August 2014

Looking at Architectural models

 Zaha Hadid
 Zaha Hadid
 Frank Lloyd Wright
 Frank Gehry
  Frank Gehry
 Antoni Guadi
 Frank Gehry
 Diller and Scofidio
 Richard Meier
 Sou Fujimoto
Frank Gehry